Use less product to get the job done. That's right, with the proper calibration, you will cover more miles, use less product, and get superior results.
No need to pay for additional aggregates or unnecessary cleanup. Ice Slicer is a complete deicer requiring fewer cleanup efforts.
Protect the environment and prevent additional costs to vehicles and infrastructure with a product that is less corrosive than white salt.
The cost of your deicer is only 8% of the total cost of winter maintenance. Some people think that Ice Slicer is a more expensive product, but when the total cost of maintaining winter roads and managing storms is considered, Ice Slicer is a more efficient and economical product.
It is important to consider how your deicer will affect all of the other costs associated with winter maintenance. To save money on the other 92% of your total costs, invest in a deicing product that offers fewer treatment cycles, less corrosion, and better overall performance.
Transporting Ice Slicer all across the country impacts the overall “price” of our product, but, if you take a closer look at the actual “costs” of winter road maintenance, you’ll see that in the Ice Slicer actually costs less than white salt when you consider the direct and indirect costs. In fact, many of our customers cut their expenses because they switched to Ice Slicer.
By applying Ice Slicer properly, plow drivers are able to service 40-100% more lane miles/truckload than with white salt! This generates significant cost savings due to lower salt volumes needed, less fuel consumed per storm, reduced vehicle/equipment wear & tear due to reduced treatment cycles, longer service-life from vehicles, equipment, bridges, guardrails, etc., as fewer chlorides in the environment greatly minimize the effects of corrosion.
Using proper application rates, the head-to-head “price” comparison of Ice Slicer to standard white salt is significantly different from initial impressions. For example, as illustrated in the chart below, if your delivered pricing is $40/ton for Ice Slicer, and $20/ton for white salt, but you are able to cover double the lane miles/ton with Ice Slicer, the actual delivered price per lane mile for each product is an identical $3.00.
Ice Slicer works significantly longer than white salt at all temperatures. This reduces the number of treatment cycles needed per storm and leads to greater savings on fuel consumption, vehicle and equipment wear & tear, and deicing salt needed per storm.
According to Coralba Meter Tests, tire traction on surfaces treated with Ice Slicer alone is as good, or better, than tire traction on surfaces treated with salt and sand. Ice Slicer provides traction with its naturally occurring small, medium, and large-sized granules. Besides the immediate cost savings from alleviating the need for sand (or other abrasives) additional savings are realized since post-winter clean up is often reduced or eliminated entirely.
Ice Slicer works significantly longer than white salt at all temperatures. This reduces the number of treatment cycles needed per storm and leads to greater savings on fuel consumption, vehicle and equipment wear & tear, and deicing salt needed per storm.
Our objective is not to sell you as much product as possible. Our objective is to help you effectively do your job to protect citizens driving on winter roads.
When your spreader is calibrated appropriately, Ice Slicer will work faster and last longer than other deicers al all temperatures and reduce the number of treatment cycles per storm. Taking the time to calibrate your spreader will save time, money, and help you to do the best job possible.